Price: 145
Product ID : 786009
More details on associated web pages:
- Seals for Desorption Tubes Seals are utilized in a variety of locations in the Short Path Thermal Desorption Unit.
- AutoDesorb™
(Catalog C9) - AutoDesorb™ Needles, Seals & Connecting Tubes
(Catalog C13)
When ordering the Short Path Thermal Desorption System, a wide range of systems and accessories are available depending on the application requirements of the user.
Seals are utilized in a variety of locations in the Short Path Thermal Desorption Unit.
O-Rings are available in five different materials from Scientific Instrument Services.
To help clean tubes.
In the Short Path Thermal Desorption System, the needle serves as the transfer line for sample introduction into the Gas Chromatograph from the Glass Lined Thermal Desorption Tube containing the samples being analyzed.
Tenax® TA is a porous polymer resin based on 2.6-diphenylene oxide.
For loading small samples into Silco Coated desorption tubes
After conditioning and sample loading, the ends of the tubes are fitted with stainless steel caps with seals to maintain the integrity of the medium and sample.
SPTD Accessory
Compact Portable Temperature Controller with Thermocouple Feedback Control