Price: 297.84
Product ID : 100200010
100200010 Optimize OPTI-GUARD Guard Column - 5/PK, Type=C8, Color=Yellow
More details on associated web page:
Optimize Technologies OPTI-GUARD™ Guard Columns
Universal Guard Columns available from Scientific Instrument Services, Inc.

Universal Guard Columns available from Scientific Instrument Services, Inc.

SNOOP is recommended for use in leak testing any pressurized gas system such as air, argon, nitrogen, helium, etc.

Invoil 704 is a single component silicone diffusion pump fluid for high vacuums 10-6 to 10-8 torr range.

SGE offers a wide variety of injection port liners.

All stopcocks and movable joints in a high vacuum system must be satisfactorily lubricated, yet leak proof.

Low Cost Comparable Replacement Elements to Edwards oil Mist Eliminators

(by Precision Plus)
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