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Product ID : 0624432
0624432 Deactivated Fused Silica Capillary Tubing, OD(mm)=0.363, ID(mm)=0.25, Length=5 m, Type=100% Methyl
More details on associated web pages:
- SGE Deactivated Fused Silica Capillary Tubing Essential Ingredient in Maintaining a High Performance Chromatographic System
- Fused Silica Tubing
(Catalog D29)
standard graphite ferrules (for GC applications)
SGE has developed an inexpensive system for interfacing glass or vitreous silica capillary columns to mass spectrometers (MS).
Essential Ingredient in Maintaining a High Performance Chromatographic System
Chromatography Tools
The new Graphitized Vespel® Injection Port Liner Seals are designed to replace the Viton® 'O' Ring Seals.
SGE offers a wide variety of injection port liners.