Price: 0
Product ID : 005300
005300 Fixed Needle, Volume=100 µL, Length=2", Gauge=22, OD=0.028"
More details on associated web pages:
- Beckman/Altex, Rheodyn, SSI, Valco Valves Syringes for your lab needs.
- SGE HPLC Syringes SGE HPLC products available from Scientific Instrument Services, Inc.
- SGE LC Autosampler & Manual Syringes
(Catalog E59)
SGE HPLC products available from Scientific Instrument Services, Inc.
Syringes for your lab needs.
Accessories such as PEEK tubing and ferrules,
and small diameter fused silica tubing are now available from
SIS offers two types of PEEK tubing: Solid color coded tubing, and natural tan tubing
with a color coded stripe.
All stopcocks and movable joints in a high vacuum system must be satisfactorily lubricated, yet leak proof.