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Product ID : 000610
000610 SGE Autosampler Syringes, Volume=1 µL, Length(mm)=42, Gauge=23, OD(mm)=0.63, Tip Style=Cone
More details on associated web pages:
- Agilent Autosampler Syringes A comprehensive range of syringes for GC autosamplers is available.
- SGE Autosampler Syringes
(Catalog D45)
Unique high temperature phase suited for simulated distillation and
other petroleum applications.
eVol couples two precision devices: a digitally controlled electronic drive and an XCHANGE enabled analytical syringe.
Plungers are interchangeable on these syringes.
Autosampler Syringes available in dual and cone tip.
A superior electrical insulation for Heaters, Elements and Furnaces