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Product ID : W35
More details on associated web page:
- Rhenium Wire and Ribbon - Filament and Heater Material Rhenium Wire and Ribbon is used to manufacture filaments for mass spectrometers and ion gauges as well as medical applications.
Tantalum/Tungsten Wire and Ribbon has excellent corrosion resistance and is used in the manufacture of heating elements.
Platinum Wire is used in many applications including gasket or o-ring fabrication, thermocouples, electrical contacts, and heater coils.
Iridium wire is the most corrosion-resistant wire known, and is often used for the manufacture and repair of filaments and heaters and electrical applications.
Molybdenum wire is used in a broad range of applications in many industries. Mandrels for making tungsten filaments along with leads, filament supports, and seals are among a few.
A wide variety of alumina ceramic washers.
Replacement insulators for your VG mass spec
Blended wire is used in a broad range of applications in many industries.