Price: 5.02
Product ID : T8131
T8131 Swagelok 1/2 in PTFE Front Ferrule
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- Purge and Trap System Stainless Steel Purge Heads The top fitting of both purge heads consists of a 1/16" fitting for the attachment of the sparging needle followed by needle adaptor to seal the needle in place and provide for the attachment of the purging gas line.
All tubes are constructed from borosilicate glass with 0.5" O.D. tube ends for mating with standard 1/2" fittings.
The top fitting of both purge heads consists of a 1/16" fitting for the attachment of the sparging needle followed by needle adaptor to seal the needle in place and provide for the attachment of the purging gas line.
This device is used to inject or load liquid samples directly into the S.I.S. Thermal Desorption Tubes, forcing the syringe contents onto the adsorbent resins in the desorption tube without any loss of sample due to back evaporation.
When ordering the Short Path Thermal Desorption System, a wide range of systems and accessories are available depending on the application requirements of the user.
Seals are utilized in a variety of locations in the Short Path Thermal Desorption Unit.
The Purge and Trap System consists of two single-ball rotameters with adjustable needle valve mounted on a nylon plastic base with an 18" long mounting rod support.
Tenax® TA is a porous polymer resin based on 2.6-diphenylene oxide.