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Product ID : NC114
NC114 Ceramic Spacer 4833-3, Nermag #=1.14
More details on associated web pages:
- Ceramic Insulators for Nermag MS Replacement insulators for Nermag.
- Ceramic Washer Insulators A wide variety of alumina ceramic washers.
- Ceramic Insulators
(Catalog A60)
A wide variety of alumina ceramic washers.
Replacement insulators for Nermag.
Replacement insulators for your JEOL MS.
The new Graphitized Vespel® Injection Port Liner Seals are designed to replace the Viton® 'O' Ring Seals.
Replacement insulators for Agilent mass spectrometers.
The following ceramic insulators are made from high purity alumina ceramic.
Stepped insulators made from alumina ceramic.
Ceramic insulators for Kratos mass specs
The following alumina insulators are currently available for the Thermo instruments.