Price: 249
Product ID : FK251B
More details on associated web pages:
- SIS All-In-One Small Pump Filter Kit for Edwards 6.25" high, low cost, combined oil mist eliminator and charcoal filter proven effective for removing volatile and semi-volatile organics from exhaust of vacuum pumps.
- Agilent Vacuum Accessories
(Catalog B11) - SIS™All-In-One Two Stage Vacuum Pump Filter Kits
(Catalog F47)
The filter elements in the SIS Charcoal Filters are low in cost and disposable.
GL915R : -
6.25" high, low cost, combined oil mist eliminator and charcoal filter proven effective for removing volatile and semi-volatile organics from exhaust of vacuum pumps.
Inland 45 is the highest quality rough pump oil you can use for your mass spectrometer.
Edwards Pump Filter Kit and accessories for your vacuum pump needs.
6.25" high, low cost, combined oil mist eliminator and charcoal filter proven effective for removing volatile and semi-volatile organics from exhaust of vacuum pumps.
Edwards Pump Filter Kit and accessories for your vacuum pump needs.
Santovac 5P Ultra has the same properties of Santovac 5 but guarantees minimal amounts of the 3 and 4 ring polyphenyl ethers; less than .02% and .1% respectively and for ultra-clean applications such as
mass spectrometry.
These sheets are particularly well suited for cutting your own gaskets and seals.
Autosampler Syringes available in dual and cone tip.
Micro-Mesh® Regular Rolls