Price: 53.33
Product ID : 912001
912001 Accessory Twist Plug Connector
More details on associated web pages:
- Bench Top Temperature Controller for Purge and Trap Sampling Bench top temperature controller that can be utilized to supply the heating and temperature controlling of a variety of laboratory accessories.
- Temperature Controller & Heater Sleeves
(Catalog C25)
Bench top temperature controller
that can be utilized to supply the heating and temperature controlling
of a variety of laboratory accessories.
Heated Thermal Desorption Sampling chamber
Compact Portable Temperature Controller with Thermocouple Feedback Control
A variety of lengths of the stainless steel sparging needles are
available for the S.I.S. Purge & Trap system.
(Model 951/961)
4-in long cryo-trap for cryo-cooling and heating (cryo-focusing) of volatiles and semivolatiles at the head of GC capillary columns.
(Model 971/981)
1-inch micro cryo-traps for cryo-cooling and heating (cryo-focusing) of volatiles and semivolatiles at the head of GC capillary columns.
The new Tenax® GR is a composite material of Tenax® TA and 30% graphite.
The stainless steel metal frit spargers have been designed for
use with the S.I.S. purge and trap system.
For coating threads on fittings.