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Product ID : 006291
006291 Removable needle MEPS, Scale=60 mm, Barrel OD=6.7 mm, Volume=250 ul
More details on associated web pages:
SGE MEPS™-Micro Extraction by Packed Sorbent
The MEPS product consist of two parts, the MEPS syringe and the MEPS bin. The cartridge contains the SPE phase, and is built into the syringe needle. The bin is used with a 100 µl or 250 µl gas tight MEPS syringe that allows fluid handling at normal SPE pressures.SGE MEPS™-Micro Extraction by Packed Sorbent
(Catalog E44)

standard graphite ferrules (for GC applications)

Autosampler Syringes available in dual and cone tip.

SGE offers a wide variety of injection port liners.