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Product ID : 062416
062416 SGE Stainless Stain Chromatography Tubing, OD (mm)=1.59, ID (mm)=0.80, Length (meter)=10
More details on associated web pages:
- SGE Stainless Steel Chromatography Tubing The SGE annealed type 304 chromatography stainless steel is a high quality material that is specially produced and cleaned for chromatography use.
- Instrument Tubing
(Catalog D30)
The SGE annealed type 304 chromatography stainless steel is a high quality material that is specially produced and cleaned for chromatography use.
A complete line of Brass and Stainless Steel Fittings for GC, MS and general laboratory use.
O-Rings are available in five different materials from Scientific Instrument Services.
Replacement or spare O-rings for centering rings.
The Purge and Trap System consists of two single-ball rotameters with adjustable needle valve mounted on a nylon plastic base with an 18" long mounting rod support.
A comprehensive range of syringes for GC autosamplers is available.
Standard size coils are used on several mass spectrometer heaters repaired by S.I.S.
The top fitting of both purge heads consists of a 1/16" fitting for the attachment of the sparging needle followed by needle adaptor to seal the needle in place and provide for the attachment of the purging gas line.