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Product ID : 002981
002981 SGE Autosampler Syringes, Volume=10 µL, Length(mm)=50, Gauge=23, OD(mm)=0.63, Tip Style=Cone
More details on associated web pages:
- SGE Autosampler Syringes Autosampler Syringes available in dual and cone tip.
- SGE Autosampler Syringes
(Catalog D45)
All stopcocks and movable joints in a high vacuum system must be satisfactorily lubricated, yet leak proof.
All stopcocks and movable joints in a high vacuum system must be satisfactorily lubricated, yet leak proof.
Fiberglass brushes are manufactured from spun glass in two grades of material - coarse and fine.
The source heaters for the Perkin Elmer Q Mass 900 and 910 instruments are available.
Universal Guard Columns available from Scientific Instrument Services, Inc.
NanoVolume syringes have the ability to inject down to 50 nL with high precision and accuracy ensures SGE NanoVolume syringes are perfect for NanoVolume capillary chromatography injection and applications requiring small volumes.