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Solid Surface Finishing Procedures


Tools Required

  • Random Orbital Sander
  • Micro-Mesh® Aluminum Oxide Discs

(Discs are available in any size, hole pattern and backing)

Finishing Step Guidelines

Deep Scratch Removal: 300 AO

Matte Finish: 300 AO, 600 AO

Satin Finish: 300 AO, 600 AO, 800 AO, 1500 AO

Gloss Finish: 300 AO, 600 AO, 800 AO, 1500 AO, 2400 AO, 4000 AO

High Gloss Finish: 300 AO, 600 AO, 800 AO, 1500 AO, 2400 AO, 4000 AO, 12000 AO

Note: not everyone's idea of a particular finish is the same. Depending on the color and type of solid surface, fewer or more steps may be required in order to achieve the look you want. It is a good idea to check the finish between grades until you become familiar with using Micro-Mesh.

When used properly Micro-Mesh discs will provide you with the best finish imaginable. No special tools are required and you will be able to achieve a matte to a high gloss finish without the use of water or buffing compounds making them not only perfect for a shop environment, but excellent for on-site repairs. Engineered to effortlessly glide across the material, Micro-Mesh greatly reduces the amount of fatigue that fabricators would normally endure while sanding. With Micro-Mesh there is less heat generation so you won't have to worry about burning the material.

Helpful Hints

1. Light pressure should be used to control sander. The sander should be moved in a random pattern, or in circular motion to "blend" the scratch pattern. We suggest alternating a North/South, East/West pattern, covering the entire surface.

2. The sander should be in contact width the surface before it is turned on. Remove the sander from the surface prior to turning the sander off.

3. Micro-Mesh can be used wet or dry and is reuseable. Simply rinse out the discs and allow to dry.

4. The beginning condition of the solid surface material will determine your starting point. Follow the first step until all of the beginning damage is removed. Make certain to wipe away any sanding debris prior to continuing on with the next step to avoid contamination scratches. Also check the scratch pattern left to make certain that the surface was completely sanded.

5. Each additional step should be used for approximately 1-2 minutes per square foot or until the previous scratch pattern is completely removed. Gloss finishes may require additional time.

Trouble Shooting

Swirl marks in the finish: do not skip steps. Spend approximately the same anount of time on each step. Be sure to completely remove sanding residue before moving on to the next step. Move the sander in a consistent pattern. Apply less pressure - excessive pressure will change the orbit of the sander causing "fish hooks" in the finish.

Finish not glossy enough: for Micro-Mesh grades 300 AO thru 1500 AO use a standard back-up pad. Change to a soft back-up pad for grades 2400 AO thru 12000 AO.

Finish not matte enough: use a firm back-up pad.

Milky/Hazy appearance: repeat the last step using a spritz of water.

Home owner can't maintain finish: Micro-Mesh Soft Touch Pads are available in any grade or combination of grades. Leave with the home owner so they can feather out scuffs and light surface scratches.

If the finish you desire is not obtained, please contact Micro-Surface Finishing Products Inc. at 800-225-3006 or 563-732-3240 for assistance.


06/01/02 - Solid Surface