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Thermo/Finnigan 3200/3000 Ceramic Body Filaments

Thermo/Finnigan 3200/3000 Ceramic Body Filaments
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Product ID : FF3200
FF3200 SIS Ceramic Body Thermo MAT 3200/OWA Filament


Redesigned and Manufactured by SIS for the Thermo/Finnigan 3000 and 3200 Series Mass Spectrometers

These ceramic body filaments were designed to eliminate many of the problems associated with the Thermo MAT metal type filaments. Our new design is strong and durable. The short metal posts hold the filament wire straight while tension is maintained, thereby minimizing sagging. The ceramic body eliminates shorting of the filament to the source. When installing these filaments, none of the ceramic insulators or spacers used on the metal filaments are required. The filaments come complete with silver wire leads and stainless steel mounting screws. S.I.S. and several of our customers have tested these filaments and they have proven to be equal or better to the original Thermo MAT filaments.

Connections to instrument lead wires can be made with the SC1 connector.

The original style metal shield and body filaments are also available.

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