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SIS™ All-In-One Two Stage Vacuum Pump Filter Kits (Catalog F46)

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SIS All-In-One Two Stage Vacuum Pump Filter Kits


Phone: 908-788-5550


acuum pumps are widely used for mass spectrometers

and other vacuum equipment and can be a major

source of indoor air contamination. It is recommended

that vacuum pumps be vented outside the room or to a laboratory

exhaust hood. However this is not always practical.

Air contamination by vacuum pumps originates from pump oils

and oil contamination. Eventually these organics are exhausted

from the pump into the laboratory air. These chemicals can present

a serious environmental health problem in the laboratory.

The All-In-One Vacuum Pump Exhaust Filter System has

proven to be effective for removing volatile and semi-volatile

organics from exhaust of vacuum pumps and helping maintain a

safe environment.

Without any exhaust filters, organic contaminants from the

pump oil and hydrocarbons from the pump oil exhausted out of the

vacuum pump (Figure 1).

During initial pump down or when using the gas ballast valve,

oil vapors exhaust from the vacuum pump. The oil mist eliminator

(Stage 1) traps the heavy hydrocarbons in this exhaust .

The charcoal trap (Stage 2) absorbs and traps the volatile and

semi-volatile organics from the pump exhaust and prevents

these organics from entering the laboratory environment

(Figure 2).

It is recommended that both filters in the All-In-One be

replaced on a regular basis. The Carbon Filter (AC-10S) every 30

days and the Coalescing Filter (GL-915R) every six months.

When the All-In-One filter is used on a vacuum pump exhaust port,

the exhaust from the final stage of filtering has been shown the be

cleaner than normal laboratory air.


6.25" Total Height

Purifies Vacuum Pump Exhaust Gases

Provides for a Safe Laboratory Environment

Low Cost

Replaceable Elements

Stage 1 - Oil Mist Eliminator

Eliminates Pump Oil Fumes

Returns Used Oil to Vacuum Pump

Traps Particles to 0.3 microns

Replaceable Coalescing Element

Stage 2 - Charcoal Filter

Traps Organic Chemicals

Replaceable Charcoal Element

Pump Exhaust After Charcoal Trap

Pump Exhaust With No Filtering

Replaceable Coalescing



Charcoal Element

SIS All-In-One Two Stage Vacuum Pump

Exhaust Filter

All-In-One Two Stage Vacuum Pump Exhaust System

Figure 1

Figure 2

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