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Electron Multipliers
for Thermo Mass Spectrometers

Scientific Instrument Services, Inc. provides replacement detectors for your Thermo/Finnigan mass spectrometers. Multipliers are from the top manufacturers: Detector Technologies (DeTech) and ETP.

Select your instrument:

  • 1050/30001050/3000
    SIS provides replacement detectors for your Thermo mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the major manufacturers of electron multipliers.
  • 3100/3200/4000/4500/46003100/3200/4000/4500/4600
    SIS provides replacement detectors for your Thermo mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the major manufacturers of electron multipliers.
  • CH7/CH8CH7/CH8
    SIS provides replacement detectors for your Thermo mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the major manufacturers of electron multipliers.
    SIS provides replacement detectors for your Thermo mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the major manufacturers of electron multipliers.
  • ITD 700/800ITD 700/800
    SIS provides replacement detectors for your Thermo mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the major manufacturers of electron multipliers.
    SIS provides replacement detectors for your Thermo mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the major manufacturers of electron multipliers.
    SIS provides replacement detectors for your Thermo mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the major manufacturers of electron multipliers.
  • PQPQ
    SIS provides replacement detectors for your mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the major manufacturers of electron multipliers.
    SIS provides replacement detectors for your Thermo mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the major manufacturers of electron multipliers.
    SIS provides replacement detectors for your Thermo mass spectrometer. Multipliers are from the major manufacturers of electron multipliers.
    For instruments: VG Gas Analysis RGA
    Thermo TRACE DSQ™, Focus DSQ
  • Element ICP-MSElement ICP-MS
    For instruments: Thermo Element 1, 2, and XR