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Wiley Mass Spectral Libraries (Catalog A74)

Wiley Mass Spectral Libraries (Catalog A74)
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Wiley Mass Spectral Libraries


Phone: 908-788-5550


iley provides a variety of additional libraries of MS spectra, MS/MS spectra, GC data & retention indices, and chemical

names/structures to enhance your chemical identification capabilities.

Wiley libraries can be searched in the same manner,

using the same search software, as the popular NIST MS database (shown on previous page) and include formats for most

MS software systems (Agilent ChemStation/MassHunter, Thermo Xcalibur, Shimadzu GCMS Solutions, Waters MassLynx, PE TurboMass,

etc.). Some Wiley libraries focus on specific classes of compounds like drugs, pesticides, flavors and fragrances.

Other Wiley libraries

like the massive Wiley Registry are general in purpose and optionally combined with NIST MS.

Some libraries like the Wiley Tandem

contain MS/MS spectra.

Wiley Registry 10th by Dr. Fred McLafferty

The Wiley Registry is the largest commercially available mass spectra

library. It contains approximately 719,000 spectra (918,000 if com-

bined with NIST) of 638,000 compounds, most with searchable struc-

tures, trivial name, molecular formula, molecular weight, nominal mass

and base peak. This general purpose library contains comprehensive

coverage of small molecule organics, pharmaceutical drugs, illegal

drugs, poisons, pesticides, steroids, natural products, organic com-

pounds, flavors and fragrances, CWC banned substances and pre-

cursors, and industrial compounds.

Mass Spectra of Designer Drugs 2013

by Dr. Peter Rösner

Compounds classified as Designer Drugs have been synthesized

since the early 1980s. This is not a precise scientific term and should

only be applied to those drugs that are synthesized from common

chemicals and skillfully marketed under attractive, often exotic names.

Because many designer drugs

are novel or designed to evade

detection, they can be overlooked

or difficult to detect or character-

ize. The last decade has seen a

proliferation of such substances,

such that keeping abreast of this

huge number of new drugs is a

difficult task for forensic chemists

and toxicologists. The 19037

mass spectra compiled by a team

originating from the Regional De-

partments of Criminal Investigation in Kiel, Hamburg, and Wiesbaden,

Germany, Mass Spectra of Designer Drugs has been developed to

help forensic and toxicology labs combat this epidemic.

The library

is updated annually, and each spectra added is examined by three

experienced mass spectrometerists.

Available Wiley and NIST libraries include the following

Part No.


WILEY10 Part #WILEY10—Click for details
Obsolete part number. New number is WILEY11. Please call for ordering.
Unit of Measure: EA
Est. Ship Weight=0.4 lbs

Wiley Registry 10th Ed.

WILEY10U Part #WILEY10U—Click for details
Obsolete part number. New number is WILEY11U. Please call for ordering.
Unit of Measure: EA
Est. Ship Weight=0.4 lbs

Wiley Registry 10th Upgrade

WILEY10N12 Part #WILEY10N12—Click for details
Obsolete part number. New number is WILEY10N14. Please call for ordering.
Unit of Measure: EA

Wiley 10 + NIST 12 combined library

WILEY10N12U Part #WILEY10N12U—Click for details
Obsolete part number. New number is WILEY10N14U. Please call for ordering.
Unit of Measure: EA

Wiley 10 + NIST 11/12 Upgrade library

Part No.


9783527334001 Part #9783527334001—Click for details
Obsolete part number. New number is 9783527345274. Please call for ordering.
Unit of Measure: EA
Est. Ship Weight=0.4 lbs

Designer Drugs 2013 library

9783527334018 Part #9783527334018—Click for details
Obsolete part number. New number is 9783527345281. Please call for ordering.
Unit of Measure: EA
Est. Ship Weight=0.4 lbs

Designer Drugs 2013 Upgrade

Mass Spectra of Organic Compounds

(SpecData) 2004 by

Alexander Yarkov

The collection contains 37,055 mass

spectra of organic compounds. The

data resulted from quality control in

combinatorial synthesis and cover a

wide range of structure classes. The

compounds are applied for screening

purposes in drug discovery.

Part No.


9780471667735 Part #9780471667735—Click for details
Unit of Measure: EA
Est. Ship Weight=0.4 lbs

MS Organic Compounds

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